Glenn Adamson has described craft as, “opposite of modern art- a state into which an individual artwork, or even the entire category of art itself, might inadvertently collapse and thus lose its integrity and purpose”. Due to the large increase of technology in the entertainment industry there has been a substantial decrease in crafts such as puppetry. In the 18th century puppets were the main source of entertainment. Now there are movies, T.V programs and live shows which have replaced the entertainment of live puppet shows. The image above is of hand made puppets made in Rajasthan which is the largest dessert in India. Rajasthan is famous for the castles, forts and ancient arts, so puppetry is extremely popular. I choose this image because it allows us to see the hard work that is put into making the puppets and the intricate detail. The facial expressions and colourful clothing help to express the happiness and playfulness of the puppets. Televisions are the main source which have replaced the need for puppet shows. It has increased choice of viewers to pick and choose what they wish to see and therefore has taken over. Craft has lost its integrity and purpose because of other sources of modern entertainment.
Image Reference:-
Adamson, G. (2007). Thinking through Craft. Oxford, London.
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