Political, Cultural and Ideological Beliefs
Today Politicaly and culturally messages inform design very efficiently. Almost all advertisemnets and some brands promotes or advertises with Political and Cultural concept. In their Brands or advertisements they pretty much use their Cultural design patterns or something regarding concerned to their culture and politically concerned. To support this, below i have given a supporting example to this.

The example for this assignment, I choose, which express cultural, political and ideological beliefs, is "Maori TV". I choose this because it efficiently expresses all these beliefs in one.
Culturally 'Maori TV' is expressing "Maori" culture through TV, showing programs everything in Maori language and under the respect to Maori culture, all over the country.
Politically 'Maori TV' expresses politics about Maori people's rights in New Zealand. As Maori people thinks that they are natives of N.Z and they should stand on top first for anything in N.Z. Moreover there were quite large amount of people who thought there shouldn't be 'Maori TV'. Maori is the basic first culture of N.Z and they even did a court case about having Rugby World Cup live forecast only on 'Maori TV' but they lose it. They decided so because Rugby is N.Z's national game, as Maori's game and should be just shown on Maori TV so that through this they could even promote 'Maori TV' all over in N.Z and plus the publicity of Maori Culture.
Ideologically "Maori TV" wants to bring back the status of Maori Culture which is pretty much vanishing away these days. So there main key point is to emphasis and promote Maori culture all over the country and bring it back on its top position. There main ideology is to encourage and connect people with Maori culture and to bring back Maori culture's status on top, in their own country as it use to be earlier in N.Z as they are the natives of N.Z.